Everyone has a story to tell and Podcasts give us a platform to share with each other.

At Pretty Podcasts, we love the process of bringing real stories to your listeners and creating connections.

Podcasts not only give valuable information to your listeners but also bring trust, personality and expertise to your business.

We would love to work with you to help you share your story with your listeners.

Hi! I’m Amelia

but, most people call me Meals. Over the years I have done a little of everything, Customer Service, Cafe Management, Business Development and now Podcast Production. All had a common theme - connecting with people which, is my passion. If you want to get to know me more listen to the ‘My Story Podcast’.

“The need for human connection has become so much more valuable in this uncertain world.”

I believe that all business’, and people, have a story to tell. Podcast Production fulfils a need in me for connection, and statistics show there are 400 million people worldwide who love them too!

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

I started Pretty Podcasts in 2019 and have worked alongside so many wonderful humans. I specialise in getting Podcast’s started. It can be an overwhelming process so my goal is to work alongside you as we create your Podcast, together. You can check out my ‘Let’s Start a Podcast Guide’ here.

Who we’ve worked with and, what they love about us!


We have worked alongside people like Tory Archbold (Powerful Steps), Katrina Blowers (Claiming Your Confidence) Angie Asimus (Australian Farmers) , Aaron Kyle (Build Hatch) and many others to launch their Podcast.


Pretty Podcasts supports Raising Dignity. As the Director, Amelia has supported Raising Dignity as it seeks to assist children and women who are survivors of sexual violence and abandonment.

Raising Dignity came about as a direct result of the efforts, and needs, of Cori-Ann College. Located in the remote village of Elemyonga in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), we have provided Dignity Kits, health education for women and provide 150 children with the basics such as food, shelter, education, health checks and vaccinations. Raising Dignity aims to assist in filling in the gaps for the community.


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